Physical assessment for 10-18 year olds

We at Fitmedia are passionate about the improvement of health in children and young people.

But the last few decades have seen a decline in the physical fitness of young people, whilst obesity and weight related problems have increased.

We want to stop this decline, and improve health and physical activity levels. We feel that the best way to do this is to help children understand fitness.

We do this by showing them what they can do – what they are good at, what they excel at, and where they can improve. Our Fitmedia Movement system assesses the physical abilities of children, and to engage young people in physical activity.

The system uses simple and familiar measurements (such as sprint, jumps and handgrip) to provide a detailed picture of an individual’s health status and natural physical aptitudes.

Uniquely, the Fitmedia Movement software then interprets individuals’ scores on each test by automatically comparing them with published reference data of what would be expected for their age and sex.

This benchmarking provides a ranking which shows how good their fitness levels are for their stage of development.

For example, a student’s long jump distance of 1.5m at age 11 would be in the 80th percentile. At aged 14, he jumps a distance of 2.1m, which is longer: but, for his 14 year age group, this score would only be in the 50th percentile, indicating that in fact, his fitness has declined.

Finally, Fitmedia Movement records the scores and percentiles in a secure, centralized database which can be searched and analysed by the individual and their network (eg PE teachers, coaches etc), with our license agreement you will gain access to our database and other resources.

Benefits of Fitmedia Movement

Fitmedia Movement is the only physical assessment system which:

  • is designed so that all children, of whatever physical ability, can find an area they are naturally suited for
  • is based on published research and established protocols and a proven and credited model
  • provides a method to monitor a child’s development over the long term
  • enables immediate improvement
  • rewards improvement, rather than performance
  • uses a score protocol which enables identification of health injury risk
  • provides an absolutely objective measure of a child’s physical fitness, based on where they should be for their age

This is an example of a page on dashboard you will get access to when you sign up for the Fitmedia Movement, and you will immediately how each child scored based on the assessments.

Fitmedia Movement Fitmedia Fitness

